
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hum Bomb

Allen Ginsberg's poem with the above title perfectly put the government befuddled musings over devising or restoring a stringent law to bridle the terrorism into clear perspecive. While the terrorists have Ginsbergian clarity about Whom to bomb?, the Indian Goverment still flounders in the dilemma over identifying their target. To a government for which oscillation has become the signboard for strategic and administrative trajectory, the issue of unchecked terror attacks is definitely a haul over coals issue. The same UPA government that connived at the restoration of POTA until now, is shooting wind about devising a tough law to tackle terrorism today. It goes without saying that the touted law will have no kinship with POTA ot its distant cousin. Inspite of having clear proofs of local involvement in all recent terror attacks, the UPA is waxing eloquent over crushing the terror menace with iron hand. More than being fake, such claims sound disgusting in a fraidy cat democracy that take decades on end to give a stiff sentence to any crimimal offence, thus giving the criminal enough time to either plead to the President for a waiver of sentence or to tell his outfit to hijack people or planes to work out a rescue barter. Laws however stringent and effectual in nature cannot curb a problem as complicated and multi faceted as terrorism whether it be Terrorism in Punjab or in Kashmir. The mission of ending terrorism in Punjab earlier was realized by a flawless implementation of binary strategy: taking the locals in full confidence and hitting the terrorist nail right on the head. Mr. Ribeiro who was involved in curbing Punjab terrorism, recently revealed that there was not dearth of stringent laws then but unlil the military earned full faith of the natives who were willy-nilly supporting the terrorist, no law could work any wonder. This was what the most important thing to do. The next thing Mrs. Gandhi meritoriously did was to strike her 'iron fist' with full force onto terror hubs and terrorist once clearly identified. UPA government just as their predecessors failed on both this counts. Neither could they win the confidence of locals nor could they take the culprits behind the bar to task. Journlists and editors may name this attitude as thinking within the ballot boc but to me this is the most glaring example retarded thinking. Had they been a whit serious about ballot box they would have hanged the masterminds of Ahmedabad bombblasts within hours of their seizure. If at all they had the keenness to come to power again they would have paid an ear to the grumbling Muslims of post-Godhra carnage. The tragedy with Indian populace is that they don't have any promising party or politician to look up to. However as the famous adage goes "Every nation has the Government she deserves."

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